Why massage must be part of your postpartum recovery

Lifting, carrying and holding your new baby puts strain on the back.

Becoming a mum is an exciting challenge. You’ll experience a mix of emotions, from euphoria to complete exhaustion.

Never mind the sleep deprivation, late night feeds and endless mountain of dirty nappies.

But the biggest challenge? Figuring out how you can look after yourself when you are trying to keep your little human alive. Perinatal Massage Specialist Laura Calderone explains why massage forms a vital part of postpartum recovery.

Labour recovery

Let’s face it, whether you have a quick one-hour labour or whether you laboured days, there is no denying that it has an impact on your body. From the first stages, to the active pushing, your body is left shaking and exhausted, buoyed only by adrenaline and oxytocin. Massage in the postpartum period can help you to alleviate feelings of physical and mental exhaustion while also reducing pregnancy discomforts that often linger, such as pelvic, hip and joint pain.

Mental health of mum and dad

Massage at any stage of life can reduce stress hormones and increase feelings of relaxation. Postnatal massage shares these benefits. More than 1 in 7 new mums and up to 1 in 10 new dads experience postnatal depression. Postnatal anxiety is just as common. Massage can help new parents alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety while giving them time out to look after themselves.

Postural rebalance and reducing pain

After giving birth, your posture changes dramatically. There is no longer pressure on the lower back, hips and glutes from carrying your baby. Assisting in realigning and rebalancing postural changes in the glutes, hips and shoulders, massage provides relief from muscular strain tension headaches, and generalised lower back pain. Postnatal massage is relaxing and eases muscular strain as you adjust to new physical demands, such as breastfeeding.

Scar tissue repair

One of the main focuses of postnatal massage is scar tissue repair and rebalancing the abdominal muscles after a caesarean birth. Postnatal massage focuses on bringing awareness to the abdomen and allowing mum to connect into her body. Specialised techniques are used in the treatment to reduce the adhesions surrounding the scar tissue, which can help you feel freer and reduce abdomen pain, while also helping to heal the deeper layers of the wound and can prevent tissues from sticking together.

Breastfeeding posture

Motherhood brings with it new physical demands. Lifting, carrying and holding your new baby puts strain on the back, while breastfeeding strains the neck and upper back. It can feel like your whole body is a ball of pain and tension. At the end of the day, if you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed, it doesn’t matter, but your posture and being comfortable is important. Massage can alleviate the tension caused by feeding, holding and carrying your little bundle of joy!

To discover how massage can help you during your pregnancy journey, book an appointment with Laura at http://lauracalderonemassage.com or call 0407 512 009 for more information