Live Q&A Sleep Session – Newborns, Infants, Toddlers

    Date :

    22/03/2019 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Address: Bannockburn

    • This web event will be running in the Hushabye Baby Q&A Group.

      If you would like to attend, please be sure to join the group page so you can participate on the night. You can access it via the Groups section HERE.

      During the session, Hushabye Baby’s Amy Huebner will be online to answer all your questions concerning your child’s sleep habits.

      Amy will do her best to answer as many questions as she can within the time frame.

      If your sleep situation is more complex then a few answered questions, or if Amy hasn’t managed to get to your question in time, then she will invite you to talk further offline.