What your birth partner can do in the delivery room

Each pregnancy, labour, birth and child is unique and different.

Almost every mum-to-be experiences a birth partner who feels overwhelmed, lost or confused as to how to provide appropriate support and care during pregnancy, and often doesn’t want to think about labour and childbirth.

And if the birth partner is feeling overwhelmed, this can only mean that mum is feeling isolated and unsupported as well.

Many birth partners may not have even thought about the labour and childbirth process. Blinkers on. Ignorance is bliss. But birth is inevitable. Waters will break. Labour will start. And your loved one will experience an exquisite surge of pain as the contractions start. The birth partner will feel lost – unless they are prepared to deal with this situation.

Partner massage is a great way for couples to feel connected and empowered during pregnancy and it is a vital part of managing the stages of labour.

Massage during the first stage of labour provides birth partners with the ability to support the labouring mum cope with contractions.

In the massage industry, these techniques are called ‘contraction distraction’. These techniques help the labouring mum cope with the surge of each contraction, and the birth partner can find a way to manage feelings of anxiety and apprehension by taking a hands-on approach to labour.

Continuing massage at hospital can also help the mum feel grounded and supported. Often the transition from home to hospital (or other birthing place) alters the flow of contractions. Massage is a great way for mum and birth partner to connect and support each other through this phase.

Despite all the attention being on her, a labouring mum can feel extremely isolated in the birthing suite. The sterile hospital setting can be overwhelming, and the nurturing touch of a birth partner can be extremely comforting.

As the labour progresses, and things start to get real and the baby is just about to arrive, the mum can seek support from her birth partner, knowing that they are equipped to get them through.

When a birth partner is supporting the labouring mum with massage, she will feel more relaxed and have an easier labour and birth.

Partner massage empowers mums and birth partners by teaching them the skills to provide nurturing and loving touch during the first stages of labour.

Throughout pregnancy, most mums have been poked and prodded with medical tools and feel as if their bodies are not their own. And when labour starts, mums can feel isolated and alone. With massage in labour, mums and birth partners will feel supported every step of the way.

To learn more about how massage can support your pregnancy and labour, contact Laura Calderone on 0407512009 or visit http://lauracalderonemassage.com for more information.