How to make a fairy garden

When it’s cold and rainy outside, kids can still get into gardening indoors.

Carole Levy

Many kids discovered the fun of growing things during lockdowns, with families kicking off veggie patches or doing fresh plantings to spruce up their yards.

Getting outside and putting hands in soil is always a joyful experience but not so much during winter.

When it’s cold and rainy outside, kids can still get into gardening indoors. It can be simple and rewarding and maintains their connection to growing and nature.

Here’s one idea that not only will the kids enjoy but it will look great in their bedroom or on the kitchen window ledge.


1. Lay down newspaper or tarp to create a potting area.

2. Three-quarters fill a wide bowl-shaped pot with potting soil

3. Get cuttings of different types of succulents – just snap a piece off an existing plant and it’s ready to just pop into the soil.

Getting the succulent collection is part of the project – browse through gardens of family and friends to snaffle different types. Three to four varieties will be plenty for effect.

4. Collect pebbles in different sizes and shapes to ‘decorate’ on top of soil. This is another part of the project that will keep the kids engaged.

5. They can also ‘paint’ some pebbles with craft glue, then sprinkle with glitter for a bit of drama.

6. Get some tiny fairy figurines – from $2 shops – and any other ornament the kids like, then arrange the garden.

7. Lightly water – succulents don’t need a lot, and are very hardy so not likely to disappoint by keeling over too soon.

8. Job done! Kids proud. Mum or dad supervises the clean-up – the only downside.