Food for your fertility thoughts

Try to avoid eating overly processed foods when planning for pregnancy.

If there is ever a motivation for looking at what you’re eating, it’s the prospect that a healthier approach could help you fall pregnant more easily, if that is your goal.

Epworth Maternity nurse unit manager Papa Xuereb said healthy habits helped prime your body for pregnancy and the choices you made now could have significant and long-lasting benefits for you and your baby.

“When it comes to what to indulge in, natural is best,” she said.

“Go for a variety of plant-based products, including fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains to boost beneficial antioxidants.

“Try to avoid overly processed foods, which often have more salt and sugar.

“Complex, low GI, high fibre carbohydrates from wholegrains are a great choice, along with seafood, which may have a positive association with fertility.

Ms Xuereb said it was just as important to consider what to leave out of your diet if preparing for pregnancy.

“This includes reducing your alcohol intake and perhaps pulling back on the amount of caffeine you consume,” she said.

“Also, make sure you quit smoking and stop any illicit drug use.

“Energy drinks also won’t do you any fertility favours.”

Ms Xuereb said to aim for a healthy body weight to enhance your chances of conceiving.

“Studies have found that if you are underweight, or overweight, you may find it harder to conceive,” she said.

“It’s also important to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy to reduce the risk of premature birth and pregnancy complications.”

She said there was plenty of support for couples trying lifestyle changes to increase their chance of conceiving.

“You can consult a nutritionist, dietitian, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist,” Ms Xuereb said.

“A great place to start is at your GP, who can refer you to the appropriate specialist.”

For more pre-pregnancy tips from Epworth Maternity experts, scan the QR code to download your free copy of Before the Bump.