A new hub for First Nations Youth


Young First Nations people in Geelong now have access to tailored services and support in one place.

The Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative opened Karroong Kanyool – ’Home of the Young’ – in Norlane in March.

The culturally safe gathering place will connect young First Nations people with each other and clinical, social, and emotional wellbeing services, strengthen their life skills, and offer cultural activities.

Wathaurong designed Karroong Kanyool in consultation with the community’s youth.

It features new consulting suites for visiting health and wellbeing specialists, a play area, computer and TV rooms, meeting rooms, and an outdoor basketball court with a key in the colours of the Aboriginal flag.

The outdoor space also includes gathering space for men’s and women’s business, a central firepit for yarning circles, and a deck connected to the indoor function space.

The hub on Forster Street originally opened in 1984 as one of the first homes for Wathaurong, which formed in 1980.

The co-op moved to Morgan Street, North Geelong in 1996, leaving the Forster Street site as an additional community space for ad-hoc events and programs.

Jordan Edwards, Lachlan Edwards, and Shantelle Baillie raised the Aboriginal flag at the launch. They led the initial youth consultation process for the hub from 2020.

Community members shared memories of raising their kids at the site in the ‘80s and ‘90s at the event, and Wathaurong CEO Simon Flagg shared the board’s vision for the next generation.

“Wathaurong has listened to our young people, and we are thrilled to finally deliver on a space that has been developed by and for our young mob,” he said.

“Our youth are our future, our Elders of tomorrow, and we want them to grow and become our leaders through the programs and supports we offer here.”

The State Government invested more than $1.6 million in the hub through its Aboriginal Community Infrastructure Program.

“When First Nations Victorians run the services and supports that young people in their communities need, we see better outcomes,” Treaty and First Peoples Minister Natalie Hutchins said.

“Community-led projects like this one change young peoples’ lives every day.”

Parliamentary Secretary for First Peoples Christine Couzens attended the opening.

“First Nations Young People need a culturally safe and supported place to connect with community and culture,” she said.

“The Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative has created a great space for Young First Nations People and families to access the services in the one location.”

Visit www.wathaurong.org.au for more information about Karroong Kanyool programs.